Will you be bored in Heaven? Almost anyone you know would say they want to go to Heaven (though many seem to be unsure of how to actually get there). But do they really want to go to Heaven? Most people rarely go to church these days (in my town it’s probably less than 2% on any given Sunday). The past several years I’ve seen an interesting trend in Christians that don’t go to any church. But I’ve wondered if you can be a Christian and not DESIRE to go to church. Here’s why... the main occupation of Heaven is going to be worship. Worship of Jesus. Look at the descriptions in Revelation. God gave visions to John of the eternal Heavenly worship service. It’s awesome! Rev. 5.8-9; 7.9-12; 15.2f; 14.2: these all describe amazing scenes of numbers too vast to count making a loud, beautifully melodious song of praise to Jesus.
Granted, some of our churches are sorely lacking in superlative musical experiences, but in the end it’s the heart’s desire. Do you really have a heart to worship? If so, it won’t matter completely if the music is perfect or not, or even if the style is your favourite. What matters is that the King of all Kings, Jesus, is worshipped, praised, honoured and made the absolute centerpiece of what’s going on.
Occasionally I’ve pondered whether or not many of my semi-religious friends would actually really want to go to Heaven. Imagine knowing someone that even though they’re the most morally pure, beautiful persons ever, they just for some reason rub you the wrong way. Who knows why...maybe they just remind you of your own shortcomings, but for whatever reason you just don’t like them. Now imagine that you’re locked up in a room with that person for all eternity.....yuck! If you’ve never had any interest in praising Jesus, making much of him and singing to him, do you really think you’re going to want to do that for all eternity? Heaven is the place where everything revolves around Jesus and worshipping him.
For me, when I think about these things it challenges me to make sure that when I get to Heaven and I get to finally see Jesus face to face I don’t want Him to be a stranger. I want to carry on what I’ve been pursuing on Earth, only in a much more intense, personal and unspoiled way.
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