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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

read this from a sermon of J. Edwards yesterday-

"Consider how you yourselves are ready to resent it, when any of your neighbours seem to slight you and to make no account of it, but to treat you as if you were good for nothing, or not worth minding

But if it be such a crime to despise you and set you at nought, what is it to set at nought the eternal infinitely glorious Son of God, in comparison with whom you and all nations are nothing, and less than nothing... You dislike it much to be contemned by your equals...What a crime is it then for a vile, sinful worm, to set at nought him who is the brightness of the glory of the King of kings!"
Did you follow this? All of us get treated at times less than we'd like. whether we're overlooked, dis-respected, not acknowledged, etc. Essentially what Edwards is saying is, if you feel this way-a finite, fallible human... how much more does God? Who's infinitely perfect, good and all worthy of total esteem, honoring and praiseworthy?

Do you think God gets overlooked? By those whom He created? By those whom He formed and made for Himself and His glory. That's what 43.7 is all about. Isaiah 43.7    There it says, "everyone who belongs to me, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed-yes, whom I made!"

We're all made for Him.

1 comment:

  1. just quick note in case you think Edwards is a little harsh, he wrote in the 1700's. Their way of talking and referring to fallen human nature was a bit different then!
